Welcome to my custom meal plan and training program.  

There are several questions I'll be asking you over the next three pages.  This will help me create your custom program. 

Thinking about the reason you're joining this program, what I want to reiterate here is how this program is engineered to get you to your results. 

Making a commitment to your own success at this point is critical. 

You've heard me say this before: ☀️ POSITIVITY OVER EVERYTHING.☀️  Keeping a positive attitude as you enter the process and go through your transformation is crucial. 

If you fall off the program at any point, stay positive, log into your app, and get back on the program! 

It will take me about a day to complete this for you.  Sit tight and download my app in the meantime.   When your program is ready, I will send you an email and you will see the whole program in your app.  

It's my pleasure to help you through this transformation! 


Contact Details
Account Details
  • Product
  • Regular Price
    $147.00 USD per period
  • Subscription Period
    3 months